Why You Need A Script For Your Podcast

Every once in a while I'll run into people who believe that you can just create a podcast without thinking about it first. After all, they say, listen to the radio. These guys just show up and start talking. How hard can it be?

The answer is very hard!

Want a broadcasting secret? All those broadcasters who sound really comfortable speaking around the music? You know the ones who read the news? Or who do interviews? Most of them are reading scripts. And not just the type of script that I suggest you use for a podcast. Formal, detailed, word by word scripts.

So why do they use scripts?

And why should you use a modified version of a script?

In this article I'm going to explain why you need a script for your podcast.

First off, podcasts are a short but repeating learning content product. Essentially every week you need to produce fifteen minutes to half an hour of teleseminar.

To make the process of creating podcasts efficient you need to actually record several of them at one time. You also need to write them in a batch. So for example you might write one set of four podcasts one week. Then the week you might record them. And the third you might edit them. That way you are able to get the advantages of creating an assembly line. If you don't create a script then you won't be able to get the advantages this implies. You'll need to determine what you are going to talk about and record it immediately. Which means you need to set up for recording once for every recording rather than once every four weeks.

While podcasts are short don't underestimate them. For a fifteen minute, four segment column format (which is represents the least amount of script effort), you need to have roughly 12 points. Each segment will need to be about three minutes long which corresponds to roughly 3 points. That means you need to write the equivalent of a 1200 word essay every week. Doesn't sound as easy when it's put that way does it?

Professional broadcasters use full scripts because it allows them to say their piece without having to worry about what they are going to say while they are trying to say it. By writing a script for your podcast, you will avoid the embarrassment of not having anything to say.

Professionals also use a script so that they can practice what they are going to say before hand. That way they can perform flawlessly -- or almost so. You too need to practice your speaking. By writing a script you will have be able to repeat and polish your podcast.

Do you want to learn how to create information products (learning content)? Check out my new free eBook "7 Myths and Seven Tricks in Nine Steps": http://www.learningcreators.com/myths.htm

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Glen Ford is an accomplished consultant, trainer and writer. He has far too many years experience as a trainer and facilitator to willingly admit.

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