Podcasting - Is There Money to Be Made?

Thanks to the mp3 technology and the expansion of the news media on the internet, many people are turning to podcasts to download onto their mp3 players to enjoy. Many radio shows offer their previous day's shows on podcast format, and have taken it to another level of pre-recorded entertainment. As with most forms of entertainment, there is money to be made in advertising, both buying and selling.

There are many ways to make money in podcasting. You can charge for each podcast you distribute, for as little as $.99/download, or you can sell advertising space on the podcast itself. Sometimes podcasts have a quick advertising message before the podcast begins, in the middle, or at the end. You can also sell advertising space within your podcast in old radio show style, by announcing the advertising yourself. Advertising can also be placed on the webpage that offers the portal to download the podcasts.

If your podcasts gain a following, you can also offer a paid subscription service so people can pay one flat rate and download all of the podcasts without any additional fees out of their pocket. You can also place a virtual "tip jar" on your webpage, encouraging those who like the content to make a small donation to you.

There are plenty of ways to earn money from podcasting, as long as the material is something that people want to hear or talk about. If not, you may lose sponsors and advertisers quicker than you think, and very few people may listen to what you have to offer. A knack for broadcasting and marketing will certainly help you on your way to having success in the field of podcasting.

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