What Can I Talk About On My Next Podcast?

If you have a podcast, you know that you need to come up with content each time you make a show. Many times at first this is easy since you are new to the podcast and very interested in the topic. At some point in time, you might be a bit stumped as to what to talk about on your next show. Find out some tips that will help you figure out what you can talk about on your next podcast.

You need to stay in touch with the recent news for the subject of your podcast. This is most easily done with feeds. Subscribe to blogs and news feeds on your subject so that you can make notes on what is going on. When you see something interesting, talk about it in your next show. This alone will give you quite a bit of content.

Use Google alerts. This is a free service that you can use as long as you have a Google account. What happens is that whenever anything is mentioned about your subject, you will get an email. This will help you stay up on the latest trends and news items. You can talk about these on your next show.

One of the best ways of knowing what to talk about is to ask your listeners to give you feedback and questions. They are the ones listening and have more of an idea about what they want to hear than you do. Provide easy ways for people to leave feedback. Have an email they can contact, a comment form on a blog, a forum, social networking platforms, or even a telephone number to call. Full shows can be made just from questions from your listeners.

Find forums about the subject of your show. Each week active forums will have topics that become a huge source of conversation. Include this on your next show when you are making your show notes to have some extra content.

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